a caged bird with a yellow background that looks like a vintage wall serving as the cover image for the poem written by samreen firdaus on safar-e-adab


Samreen Firdaus The sky tears up for those with wings but are caged,Stars mourn for their mates, restrained in dark veils.Spring looks for butterflies, shut in a jar,Snow melts in grief, for the lovers afar.The sea waits for hearts deep as it is,The rain yearns for the arms, warm and bliss.Mountains call for echoes, left …

Thousands Colors

Poetry Laiba Rajpoot Title: Thousands Colors In this world of colors,there are thousands of colors To hide each flaw, there are thousands of colors In this world of happiness,there are thousands of sorrows  To hide each pain,there are thousands of sorrows  In this world of tears,there are thousands of tears To hide each pain, there …