Complete Novel Neha Naz
Complete Novel Neha Naz
Complete Afsana Hafsa Faheem
Complete Novel Salma Khan
Episodic Novel (EP-04 Added) Myshal Ahmed
Complete Novel Binte Rizwan
Ongoing Novel (Episode 2 added) Saba Gulzar Hashmi
Episodic Novel (Episode 5 to 10 added) Aqsa Ali
Complete Novel Ishaal Baloch
Episodic Novel (Part 2 Added) Uneeza Gohar Shalal Novel is written by Uneeza Gohar. It identifies various themes such as Murder Mystery, Divorce, Romance, Revenge, Psychological, and Past Traumas. Shalaal is one of the famous Urdu novel and is available on the website of Safar-e-Adab Publications to read online for free. Exploring the world of …
Episodic Novel (Episode 8 Added) Aleena Khan